You provide your employees with their pay, time off, and perhaps even bonuses for the work they do at your business in Greeley, Loveland, Longmont, Fort Collins, Windsor, and the surrounding areas. But there could be a lot more to the employee benefits packages that you offer, and at Volk Insurance Benefits we can help you to put together a great employee benefits package that can make a lot of difference in who you retain as well as who you attract to work for you in the future. Contact us today to learn more and schedule a review of your current employee benefits packages.
What Should Be in Your Employee Benefits Package
This is a question that nearly every business must wrestle with, and the right answer is the one that works best for each business. That is to say that when you work with Volk Insurance Benefits, we can provide you with suggestions to include but ultimately you as the business owner need to decide if any of these suggestions should be included.
While health insurance is likely the biggest component of the employee benefits packages, it is certainly not the least or last component. For many businesses they find that they can offer life insurance fairly inexpensively for their employees, which is a benefit that can be very important for families. Because dental insurance is a separate component, this too is also an option that is included in many employee benefits packages.
From here there are other, lesser-known and thought-of benefits to consider. Vision insurance is a way to help families deal with the cost of prescription eyeglasses as well as contacts. Being as so many people wear prescription eyewear, it is surprising that this isn’t included more often. Also, mental health benefits are gaining in popularity to help employees deal with issues that, while outside of work, still impact their work.
Time Off Benefits
Having the various insurance coverages as part of your employee benefits packages is really helpful, but there are other aspects that we can help to setup that provide enhancements to their position and many fall into the mental health benefits mentioned earlier. You may want to help encourage your team to volunteer in the community, and so you offer to provide pay up to a certain number of hours each month or quarter. Bereavement pay is another helpful benefit that provides for your team at low periods in their lives. There are also several other different leaves where you can provide some pay as well in Greeley, Loveland, Longmont, Fort Collins, Windsor, and the surrounding areas. Contact our team today at Volk Insurance Benefits to learn more.